Category Archives: Uncategorized

Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease

This article is even going on my fishy sites because it seems like, MOST fishy-pond-owners ALSO have a beloved dog. 
And most people with dogs only get dental-cleanings with extractions for their pet, BECAUSE of rotten breath. Not actually because of the REAL reason you should: 
Older dogs have painful mouths that constantly shed bacteria through the bloodstream and the very air they breathe into their vital organs. A dog getting good dental exercise doesn’t have that problem. Dogs with healthy gums almost-never develop valve disease and eventually: Heart failure. 
The full article is pretty brief, about canine (dog) dental prophylaxis and specifically: WHY YOUR DOG SHOULD HAVE A DENTAL SCALING AS RECOMMENDED BY YOUR VET 
It’s so much more than bad breath. It extends life. 
Here’s the full text: 

Pizza in a Bag – HOW NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.

Pizza In a Bag (A Truthful Satire)

Finally! Your dog will never decline food. 

“Aren’t you tired of mixing melted butter and whip cream with the dogs food to get it to eat?” Well, those days are over!

This will get your dog eating like it’s hungry, even when it’s not. Not even a little bit.

Remember the days of sitting at the dining room table with your child, forcing the emptying of the plate three times a day or “you’ll sit here until you do”? And the kid just wasn’t hungry?

Threats were good. Feeding cookies and cake was good. But letting the kid just choose how much she ate? No possible way. 

Of course you don’t. Forcing a kid to clean their plate when they’re not hungry made fat kids. I’m living testament.


Find a food that your dog self-regulates. IMPORTANT: Find a food your dog has the ability to walk past when it’s NOT HUNGRY.

Note (with happiness) that picky dogs are either:

“A good weight. Like BCS4“



This would make a good bumper sticker:

A picky dog with three ribs showing, is sick. A picky dog with no ribs showing is just fine.

Dosing 25mg Delta 8 THC Gummies for Canines Under Vet Supervision: In One Page

This is a “guideposts” article that gives you the basics on dosing Delta 8 THC Gummies of the 25mg per gummy composition.
If you don't understand this document you will never understand the master document (current and edited weekly) at
You should not use this document unless you are entirely comfortable with the information and have weighed-in with your veterinarian.
There is in fact, a “too much” level of Delta-8 THC you can give your dog which is harmless, but that is a level that palpably upsets them. 
Most of what you read on the “interwebs” is disinformation perpetuated by ATF, FDA and CBD companies to keep you from upgrading to Delta 8 isomer THC.
Other CBD companies like have 'stayed with the times' and offer Delta 8 now. (And have stopped demonizing it.)
All that is included in 
We do NOT recommend full-spectrum THC or any other dosing format for companion canines  – because of a lack of standardization, and the desire for the pets to be HAPPY not HIGH.
We have zero experience at this writing with THC in cats which (who knows), could be as toxic as Tylenol and I'm not trying it on my cat.
Author Unknown

Positive Reinforcement is a Strong Idea with Weak Results

More than forty years ago people didn’t take any crap off their dogs. Dogs were NOT our equals and we didn’t join THEIR pack. They were admitted to OUR pack and were absolutely expected to be respectful to us, or they were “sent to the farm”

Excessive Barking, Bad Behavior, And How to Avoid Alpha Dominance or Actual Control of The Dog

[Disclaimer: This article will be shocking to most people because it expects them to be dominant over their dog.]

If you find yourself saying “Oh no, he would bite me if I tried trimming his nails” –

You are NOT alpha to your dog.

Don’t take crap off your dog. Find an Alpha trainer (usually ex-military or extremely experienced) and use one.

One night I got up at 3 in the morning and before I knew it, Isabelle was across the floor to have-a-gnaw on my feet and my foot went under her as I stepped forward and scooped her across the floor and into the bedroom door. Bonk.

I wasn’t running. But, let’s face it: I might-as-well have kicked her. At least in her mind, I kicked her.

She instantly became the most obedient dog we ever had, and never gnawed a foot again.

NO she was not traumatized, fearful, punishment-trained or any of the PTSD that the trainers promise your dog will have from what happened. ## Furthermore I’ll reiterate it was an accident ##. But the trainers will assure you that the “punished” dogs will have lower self esteem, appreciate fine music less, become sociopaths and Narcissists, try to run away, fail in dog classes, badmouth you in therapy, and end up less creative than “Good” owner’s dogs.

Bull shit.

The rednecks had it right. Rednecks don’t take shit off their dogs. And it works.

Read the whole article here:

Natural Biology of Altum Scalare

This matters because it kind of addresses some of the ways (and reasons) you can improve the condition and success with Altum scalare (Angel fish) 

In nature: Altum scalare would form schools of individuals, dozens of them, just hanging in a gentle Amazon-current among tall plants like Valisneria – and the water was warm with a pH about 6.9-7.0 and tannin rich. And always, floating down the river to where they would congregate, there would be tiny insects and larve, copepods, daphnia – in vast amounts because well, it was the Amazon and it wasn't polluted. So, it was warm and the feed was constant, and tiny. So they eventually evolved into “not powerful” swimmers, mastering instead “motionless” and calorie conservation, compressed low-drag bodies and tiny mouths for pinpoint accuracy taking native copepods and rotifers, like Daphnia. 
Feed was constant in their natural world: Because warm water hastens metabolism, so that meant they had to be on the lookout for every tiny morsel of food.

 = Tannins

 = Moderate to low pH
 = High aeration without too much water current 
 = Temperature in the high-seventies, low eighties
 = Frequent or constant light feeding
 = Carnivore fare (tiny slow-sinking pellets / flakes) 
ERIK L. JOHNSON went from Cool, to “Too Hard” like it’s for professionals.

You get to choose so many parameters which can give you the best possible results, but unless you know how to pick your model, the steps, write a great prompt, what t o leave out, ratios, dimensions, and more: Your render looks like your elementary schooler painted it.
You get better results more easily with Dall-E and MUCH better results with or Goart.
I'd love to be making good use of mage but it rapidly went from weird, poor results, to “too complicated” in order to get good results.
I mean this as constructive criticism. Because the results my brother is getting are ridiculously good.
But he has taken the time to learn about all the various filters and 'models' you offer.
I don't wanna read a book.
I don't think I'm alone in being unable (or TLDR unwilling)  to master the learning curve to get what I want.
To illustrate how it “could be” – – I'll use / as examples that have simplified the AI generation process to give great results, without using Discord.
You should know your enemy.
I believe that if Mage introduced a simplified GUI that did not require Discord, did not require an email for log in every single time to access the product, and was able to generate images per a “style” you choose for each image-  you'd sweep the industry. Everyone knows about Mage. I think a lot of people drift away saying “That's too hard” or “It's not worth figuring it out” 
My two cents for nothing.
BTW I am a subscriber but I never use it.
Doc Johnson

Microsoft Gradually Converts Operating System to Subscription-based Stranglehold

Some of you are already aware that Microsoft intends to make the key elements of its operating system into a “rental” or “subscription” operating system. That in order to continue to run Micosoft Windows you’ll be paying practically whatever they want per month or year for it to work.

The whole article is here:

Already, companies like Adobe are withdrawing support for, and even sabotaging the continued usage of, their standalone products to herd the consumers into subscriptions. Microsoft is doing the same for older versions of Office, which includes Excel, Powerpoint, Word etc.

There is no justification for this in most cases because MOST people are NOT power-users and do not need the support, continued-development, nor features that better-funded major corporations with multiple machines, platforms and locations to coordinate.

So as we get corralled into various subscriptions, the cost of computing should soon become onerous to regular computer users.

Some people are already using their phones as computers, handling their emails, authoring, reports, spreadsheets etc on their phones rather than their laptops which (due to their operating systems) are “sitting ducks” for a Microsoft Subscription operating system coup.

To replace Adobe Acrobat I did some looking around and found a handy product called PDF24 and it’s wonderful. I have encountered no limitation and it is addressing all my needs in the production of my new book.

To replace Microsoft Office I’ve found the same product so many other of you have called Open Office.

Adobe and Microsoft are counting on your continued ignorance of these excellent ‘practically identical’ products. And they will continue to raise the prices of their Acrobat and Office Suites until everyone on any kind of budget opens their eyes and looks around.

Now I wonder….What actual operating system will replace Microsoft Windows while Bill Gates underestimates the irreplaceability of his venerable but increasingly privacy-invasive OS?

I could see the marriage of Meta (Facebook and Instagram) with Microsoft, Adobe and Office all under one roof (subscription) as the perfect Pacifier (and money-drain) for the American computer-user.

Wake Up People. We should have boycotted the first software manufacturers as they dropped their standalones for subscription products. But we didn’t. And I don’t think the train’s gonna stop. I think the solution will be products that replace subscription products with standalone products.

Why does this matter to you?

Because to install, use, and update subscription based products, you’ll have to make a perpetual investment, AND you will need internet access at all times to validate that you are a legitimate licensee. And if something happens to your ability to prove your subscription (say moving to or logging in from a new computer) –  you’re screwed until you get that whole shenanigan worked out.

I’m saying NO to subscriptions to software I should own, at least in the version on my computer. I understand UPGRADES cost money and usually I’m happy to pay it. But a month-to-month fee for irrelevant “updates” and features in my limited, residential space is unacceptable.

Talentless J Deeeeeee in the Houuuuse

Half time at the Atlanta United game against Nashville SC

This ‘famous’ rapper performs. (Good Eeee?)
Again I am struck that LITERALLY anyone including a drunk frat boy could accurately perform that trash. 
Even if you don’t like some music; USUALLY there’s enough talent that not ‘just anyone’ could have performed it. 
But this is like a “doody-mouth” chant some middle-schoolers wrote in the boy’s bathroom. 
It was pathetic, talentless, and sad. 
The stage and resources allocated to no-talent porn-chanters is apalling.