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The Perfect Gift of a Hand Crafted Writing Pen
The Perfect Gift
Need to buy a gift for someone who has a lot of nice things and you can't figure out what to get them, but you want it to be “nice” but not break the bank?
Jack's Hand Made Flawless Gift Pens
- Under $100 – Most are $50 or less – Dozens of beautiful woods – Dozens of designs
- 100% Hand Made by Jack.
The warranty will surprise you. You won't be disappointed. – Doc Johnson
Classic Stunning Elegant Actually Handmade Writing Pens
<h2>The Perfect Gift</h2>
<p>Need to buy a gift for someone who has a lot of nice things and you can't figure out what to get them, but you want it to be "nice" but not break the bank?</p>
<p><a href=”“><img alt=”Kindle Co .30cal Pen” height=”122″ src=”” width=”249″ /></a></p>
<p><u><strong><a href=”“>Jack's Hand Made Flawless Gift Pens</a></strong></u></p>
<li>Under $100 – Most are $50 or less – Dozens of beautiful woods – Dozens of designs</li>
<li>100% Hand Made by Jack.</li>
<p>The warranty will surprise you. You won't be disappointed. -Doc Johnson</p>
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Why Franchise / Corporate Veterinary Medicine Is a Cause for Concern With Customers
We Should Get Socialists to Commit Future Earnings
What are the seven deadly sins?
# The Seven Deadly Sins: An In-Depth Exploration
## Introduction
The concept of the seven deadly sins has a long and complex history, deeply rooted in Christian theology and moral philosophy. This list of transgressions serves as a framework for understanding human failings and moral imperfections. In this document, we will delve into the origins of the seven deadly sins, their historical development, what each sin represents, and why they are considered “deadly.”
## Origins and History
### Early Origins
The idea of deadly sins can be traced back to early Christian asceticism. Evagrius Ponticus, a 4th-century Christian monk, compiled a list of eight morally destructive thoughts known as the “Eight Evil Thoughts.” These included gluttony, lust, avarice, sadness, anger, acedia (neglect of spiritual work), vainglory, and pride.
### Gregory the Great
The list was later refined and popularized by Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) in the 6th century. He condensed the eight evil thoughts into seven sins, which he referred to as the “Seven Capital Sins” or the “Seven Deadly Sins.” Gregory's list included:
1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed (Avarice)
4. Sloth (Acedia)
5. Wrath (Anger)
6. Envy
7. Pride
## The Seven Deadly Sins
### 1. Lust
Lust is an intense or inappropriate sexual desire. It involves the indulgence of sexual desires outside the bounds of moral and ethical standards.
### 2. Gluttony
Gluttony is the excessive consumption of food or drink, often to the point of waste, and the indulgence in the pleasures of eating.
### 3. Greed (Avarice)
Greed, also known as avarice, is the excessive desire for material wealth and possessions, often at the expense of ethical or moral principles.
### 4. Sloth (Acedia)
Sloth, or acedia, refers to laziness, apathy, or neglect of one's duties and responsibilities, particularly those of a spiritual nature.
### 5. Wrath (Anger)
Wrath is an intense, violent, or unrestrained anger. It often leads to destructive behavior and can harm oneself and others.
### 6. Envy
Envy is the resentment or coveting of another person's qualities, possessions, or achievements, often leading to negative feelings and actions.
### 7. Pride
Pride is excessive self-esteem, often leading to an inflated sense of one's own importance, arrogance, and a lack of humility.
## Why They Are Considered Deadly Sins
The term “deadly” in “deadly sins” does not necessarily mean that committing one of these sins will result in immediate death, but rather that they are considered spiritually and morally destructive. These sins are believed to lead individuals away from the path of righteousness and toward spiritual death or separation from God. They are seen as vices that can corrupt the soul and hinder one's journey to salvation.
## Conclusion
The concept of the seven deadly sins has a rich history in Christian theology and moral philosophy. These sins, introduced by Pope Gregory I, serve as a framework for understanding human failings and moral imperfections. Understanding these sins can help individuals strive for spiritual and moral growth while avoiding behaviors that lead to spiritual decay.
Will Your Kid Kill You in Your Sleep Over a Videogame? Possibly!
Where did all the unlovable, spouseless basement-dwellers come from?
GAD and aggravated ADHD in youth from first-person-shooter-videogames and then the parent's probably-correct belief that the kids won't make it, without a free place to live. Then the lad knocks up a gamer-girl and really HAS to live in the basement with their growing family.
Almost EVERY human being will make the most out of any safety-net placed under them. By the same token, human beings are survivors, and unless they're on drugs, they'll pull it together unless they TRULY developed no living-skills in the basement on their videogame and can't actually fit into a job or interpersonal relationship that doesn't have to do with life in a first-person-shooter where you can take twelve rounds before respawning.
Almost EVERY human being will make the most out of any safety-net placed under them.
The damage that videogames do in our society is unparalleled in history. Undoubtedly derailing more college plans than drugs ever did. Creating more selfish, withdrawn and socially inept people than bad parenting ever created, EVER.
Why is it, that Americans haven't talked about it, and come up with a cohesive, effective parenting PLAN that leverages videogames against exercise, chores, extramural activities at school, and good grades?
An alcoholic will do literally anything to stay in the bottle.
And I observe that a person will do literally anything (including killing his parents) in order to play the videogame in their room or stay on their social media.
*Greg Ousley
*Brandon Woodruff
*Joel Michael Guy
*Rick Ennis
*Alex Jackson
*Chandler Halderson
*Daniel Petric
*Ten Year Old Boy shoots mother because he couldn't have an Oculus Headset from Amazon:
*Menhaz Zaman
*Zain Ali
*Christopher McKinney
*Li Tao
*Brent Springford Jr.
*Sarnam Verma
*A “sheltered” teenage boy
A video game that imports pictures of your parents so you can kill them:
A Celestial Invitation WOW Warcraft Pet Battle
Turn 1 Sting
Turn 2 Blinding Powder
Turn 3 Swap to your Timeless Mechanical Dragonling
Turn 4 Razor Talons
Turn 5 Swap to your Crimson Spore
Turn 6 Blinding Powder
Turn 7 Sting
Turn 8 Explode
Bring in your Boneshard
Comet still alive? –> Chop Comet dies
Cosmos comes in
Turn 1 Blistering Cold
Turn 2 Pass (Timeless Mechanical Dragonling forced in)
Turn 3 Razor Talons
Turn 4 Swap to your Boneshard
Turn 5 Chop (Cosmos dies)
Constellatius comes in
Prio list
Prio 1 Blistering Cold
Prio 2 Chop
Timeless Mechanical Dragonling comes in
Turn 1 Decoy
Turn 2 Razor Talons
Turns 3+ Flame Breath